Collection: Howlitt

Howlite, sometimes called white turquoise, is famous for its bright white colors and subtle marble patterns. It is a white mineral with brown or black veins. Howlite is a subtle and calming stone, particularly known for its unique metaphysical properties.

Metaphysically, Howlite is an excellent meditation stone. It promotes calmness, helps reduce stress and anxiety, and can be helpful in learning patience and forgiveness. In addition, it helps to control anger and promotes a positive attitude and constructive behavior.

Howlit is also known for its ability to stimulate creativity. It helps you discover and express your unique talents and ideas, and can be useful for any creative process. In addition, it can help strengthen memory and learning abilities, and is useful for both scientific and artistic works.

Howlite is closely associated with the third eye and crown chakra. It can help open these chakras, allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of your thoughts and feelings, and can help reveal spiritual truths. In addition, howlite can be useful for dream interpretation and astral travel.

From a health perspective, howlite can help relieve tension, pain, and muscle spasms. It can also be useful for strengthening bones and teeth, and can help control fluid balance in the body.

We offer a wide collection of howlite stones that have been carefully selected and energetically cleansed. We are committed to providing only authentic and high quality stones, so you can trust our expertise and determination to help you find the stone that best suits your individual needs and aspirations.

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