Collection: Aragonite

Aragonite is a wonderful and unique mineral that comes in a variety of shapes and colors, from clear to bright orange, yellow, or even red. This crystal is widely known for its metaphysical properties that help unlock our inner potential and facilitate spiritual growth.

Aragonite is very well known as the "Earth Refresher" due to its strong connection with the Earth and its ability to absorb energetic information from it. It helps us connect with the Earth, understand its meaning and renew our relationship with it. Aragonite can help people become more environmentally responsible by promoting ecological awareness and love of nature.

Metaphysically, aragonite is associated with the energy of the base chakra, which governs our physical body and instincts. It helps balance the base chakra, giving you stability and self-confidence. Aragonite can also enhance your physical strength and stamina, helping you achieve your goals and tasks.

This crystal is very useful for emotional problems as it helps to release and release negative emotions such as anger, jealousy or fear. Aragonite can also help reduce stress, anxiety and tension, giving you a sense of calm and harmony.

Aragonite can also help strengthen spiritual intuition and inner vision. It encourages introspection and self-discovery, allows you to discover your true self, and helps you realize your spiritual purpose and mission.

So whether you are a crystal enthusiast or simply looking to expand your toolbox for personal and spiritual advancement, Aragonite can be a great choice. This strong and energetically powerful crystal will not only enrich your crystal collection, but also become a valuable part of your spiritual journey.

Aragonitas -

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