Collection: Prehnite

Prehnite is a beautiful, slightly translucent mineral that can be identified by its soft, vibrant green hues. This mineral was named after the first European professor of mineralogy, the Dutch officer Hendrik von Prehn. However, the value of prehnite is much greater than its aesthetic appeal, as this stone has many metaphysical properties.

Metaphysically, prehnite is considered a powerful stone of meditation and vision. It promotes inner peace and inquiry, helps you open up to your intuition and deepen your spiritual practice. It helps to connect with higher spiritual forces and can be useful for those who are trying to develop their clairvoyance or other psychic abilities.

Prehnite is also an excellent balancing stone for the heart chakra. Its healing properties include healing broken hearts, promoting the energy of love, and providing support through periods of emotional pain. It can also help reduce fears, anxiety, and stress, and it can also help strengthen your emotional balance.

Prehnite is especially prized for its ability to promote dreams and brighter visions. It can help you eliminate unnecessary thought patterns and create space for new ideas and insights. This stone is especially useful for those seeking deeper understanding and higher perceptions.

Finally, prehnite can also help on a physical level. It is believed to help strengthen the immune system, promote detoxification, and help the body recover from serious illness or injury.

Our prehnite collection is carefully selected to ensure the highest quality. Each stone is unique and has its own energy, so you can be sure to find one that best suits your needs and aspirations. Trust us and we will bring you a stone that can help you unlock your spiritual potential and live a fuller and more harmonious life.

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